East Lodge, Nunhead Cemetery
Value - £2.6m | Client - Roger Mears Architects
The Grade II Listed East Lodge is currently in a derelict state and on Historic England’s Heritage-at-risk register Category A.
Originally built as an office for the London Cemetery Company, we’re working with Southwark Council to restore the Lodge using reclaimed materials from the site including bricks, stone, timber, panelling etc and like-for-like replacements.
The NLHF-funded heritage project will provide spaces for community use for local groups whilst a public café is proposed to ensure the economic sustainability of the project, generating income and supporting local employment.
Year-long stabilisation and conservation works were carried out prior to our involvement. We are looking at making best use of these interventions, to integrate these in the proposed permanent solutions where viable, and re-use the recently introduced beams and joists for new structural elements where retention in situ is not possible, reducing the embodied carbon of the refurbishment.
Services used:
Structural engineering
Image credit: Roger Mears Architects