Our specialist services:

Highways & infrastructure


Our involvement with highway and infrastructure related projects includes the design of urban, rural and community/regeneration projects.

Projects range from small scale infrastructure works associated with the development of buildings to advising on the procurement and design of major infrastructure schemes, including the detailed design of public realm schemes within our towns and cities.  Our knowledge and experience of the construction process enable us to add value to discussions at the masterplanning stage.

Our skills also include extensive municipal engineering experience which encompasses highway improvement and highway maintenance experience, whereby we can seek to maximise the value of infrastructure assets for our clients. 

Our experience and skills include: 

  • Highway and drainage feasibility studies 

  • Highway and junction design 

  • Contract preparation, tender and procurement 

  • Risk and opportunity management 

  • CPO’s 

  • S278, S38 and S104 works 

  • SuDS including swales and raingardens

  • Municipal engineering 

  • Highway improvements 

  • Structural maintenance 

  • Highway structures, bridges and safety fencing 

  • Designers’ responses to Road Safety Audits


For enquiries, contact:

Keith York

Associate Director

Michael Crown

Divisional Director

Other specialist services: