Yorkshire Housing Retained Engineer Disclaimer
This document has been prepared for the titled project, or named part thereof, by Clancy Consulting as part of the Yorkshire Housing Retained Engineer service. The Retained Engineer provides a client-side review service to Yorkshire Housing helping the team to work with their project partners to deliver quality new developments.
This report, and specifically any actions suggested within it, is advisory and directed to Yorkshire Housing. It should only be acted on by the project team when and if instructed to do so by Yorkshire Housing.
Third party information has, or may have been, provided to inform the review which has been undertaken. Where this is the case, Clancy Consulting has not undertaken a check on the completeness or accuracy of the third-party information provided.
Clancy Consulting shall not be liable for the consequences of using this document other than for the purpose for which it was commissioned, and any user and any other person using or relying on this document for such other purpose, agrees and will by such use or reliance be taken to confirm this agreement to indemnify Clancy Consulting for all loss or damage resulting there from.