Our specialist services:

BRE assessor (BREEAM)


All our BREEAM assessors are from an engineering background and are aware of the technicalities in attaining BREEAM credits, offering practical, realistic and attainable solutions.

The BREEAM assessment can be undertaken in a number of ways. Based on our extensive experience gained since the late 1990s, we always recommend a pre-assessment and interim assessment prior to certification at post construction.

By undertaking an early pre-assessment a target can be set which the design team can aim to achieve. Using our extensive experience input at this stage is invaluable, enabling ratings to be attained at minimum cost.

An interim evaluation is normally undertaken at around tender stage to verify the designed scheme is capable of attaining the required rating prior to construction.

The formal assessment and final certification is undertaken once the building is complete and the earlier commitments are demonstrated.

We have certified licensed BREEAM assessors trained under BRE’s UKAS accredited competent persons scheme to undertake BREEAM assessments.

  • BREEAM UK Non Domestic New Construction

  • BREEAM UK Non Domestic Refurbishment and Fit Out BREEAM UK Domestic Refurbishment  

  • BREEAM International New Construction 

To complement our BREEAM assessor service we have a number of accredited professionals and we can provide supplementary services in-house or via partnerships with sub-consultants.


For enquiries, contact:

Greg Scott

Other specialist services: