Unlocking a greener future: Our commitment to decarbonisation

Article posted on: 31 October 2023

We’re committed to supporting our clients to achieve their decarbonisation targets, whether on individual properties or multi-building portfolios.

What is decarbonisation?

Decarbonisation is the reduction of carbon intensity and lowering the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by burning fossil fuels, reducing dioxide emissions by using low/zero carbon power supplies and reducing energy consumption. Decarbonisation can be applied to existing or new buildings and requires changes to how we utilise and generate energy in our homes, offices, schools, etc and may influence how we live and work in them.

2050 Net Zero: The ultimate goal

To achieve the UK Government’s 2050 net zero targets, there is a requirement to review all existing public building stock in order to identify how carbon intensity can be reduced. Many private and public organisations, across all sectors, are embracing this and setting their own targets in advance of this date.

Funding for a sustainable tomorrow

Our team understands the various funding routes available to public sector bodies for the decarbonisation of their property portfolios, in particular Salix, the delivery partner associated with the Government’s Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme and Public Sector Low Carbon Skills Fund. We have successfully brought a number of schemes to life across the country in support of and following funding reports and recommendations.

Guiding the way

How do we fit into this eco-friendly narrative? We're not just cheerleaders on the sidelines; we're the trusted advisors in your corner.

We offer advice and expertise to support our clients in achieving their decarbonisation targets by conducting feasibility studies and preparing and contributing to their decarbonisation strategies. We don't just hand our clients the keys to a greener future; we walk them through every step of the journey.

How we support our clients:

  • Discuss and understand client’s aspirations.

  • Identify and agree on targets to be achieved.

  • Audit existing systems and provide advice on switching to cleaner fuel options, improving the efficiency of existing systems, and improving building fabric performance.

  • Offer forward-thinking advice on current targets set and how to plan and achieve them.

  • Identify best-fit solutions, which could involve incorporating new and emerging technologies.

  • Quantify pre and post-construction CO2 targets.

  • Undertake post-construction reviews to monitor and report on system performance.

  • Consider the relationship between improved energy performance and CO2 emissions.

We were appointed on a ‘green energy’ transformation project for Kirkby Leisure Centre via Knowsley Council’s Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS). View the case study here.


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