Green light for new Passivhaus primary school in the Midlands
Image credit: Corstorphine & Wright
Article posted on: 28 March 2023
Wednesfield Technology Primary School in Wolverhampton has recently received planning approval and will be one of the first schools in the country to be designed to the Passivhaus standard.
We are working collaboratively with Tilbury Douglas on this pioneering scheme, providing civil and structural engineering services. The project, comprising of a new technology primary school for 446 primary school pupils, aligns with the Department for Education’s aspirations for low carbon energy-efficient schools.
The design, by architects Corstorphine & Wright, is to achieve Passivhaus standards and certification requirements which means, for the structure, a completely insulated surround including the foundations. Using non-traditional construction methods, the new two-storey school building will be constructed using Structurally Insulated Panels (SIPS).
Clancy Director, Greg Scott, commented, “Tilbury Douglas has an excellent track record of successfully delivering high-quality educational facilities and, coupled with our wide-ranging experience in the sector, we’re thrilled to be involved with them on this scheme which is one of several that we are now engaged on via the Department for Education’s MMC1 Framework”.
The new facility, incorporating a two-storey teaching block with a single-storey hall and kitchen, will also provide 26 nursery places and two-form entry classes at key stages one and two.
Greg continues, “All projects come with their own set of challenges and this project is no exception. From a civil engineering perspective, the site has the complexity of a steep slope down to the Wyrley and Essington Canal. This will require significant cut and fill earth works analysis to create optimum levels for the playing fields and school building.
“With respect to the design of the timber frame and SIPs, our team works in close collaboration with several off-site specialists and has delivered some fantastic primary and secondary schools across the UK, such as the recently completed Thames Park School in Essex.”
Simon Butler, Managing Director Building Central at Tilbury Douglas, said, “As the fourth project we have worked on for Shireland Multi Academy Trust, we are looking forward to working collaboratively to deliver this new school which will increase the education provision in the region.”
Having recently achieved planning approval, it’s all systems go, with the new school expected to open in September 2024.