A coffee with... Annabelle Harrison

Article posted on: 30 March 2022

Our 'A coffee with...' series takes a glimpse into the thoughts and opinions of our colleagues.

For this edition, we caught up with Annabelle Harrison who has recently has received a distinction for her MSc Human Resource Management with a CIPD Level 7.

Take it away Annabelle >> 

Huge congratulations on your qualification. What’s next for you?

Nothing major, I am enjoying having so much free time outside of work. The course was very time consuming as it was completed after work and on the weekends so I am loving spending time with my friends and family.

Career-wise I am keen to put the knowledge learned into practice. The course has really boosted my confidence, so I am excited to see where it takes me.

What was it about HR that led you to choosing it as a career?

I am very people oriented so the role seemed fitting to my personality. Additionally, when I started researching the industry I found it incredibly interesting how strategic human resource management is crucial to a successful business.

What’s the best thing about working in the HR team?

Working alongside Jayne and Jane. They are incredible sources of knowledge and I am keen to sponge up all they have to offer. Additionally, we work really well together and all bring different skills to the table, so it is a great experience.

What’s been your biggest highlight whilst working at Clancy, and also the biggest challenge you’ve come across?

My biggest highlight is the people, which I probably wouldn’t have said this time last year due to me only starting just before the pandemic. But especially in the last couple of months I have really started to see how amazing our employees are. They are definitely our biggest asset and I am looking forward to getting out and about and meeting them all again.

The biggest challenge was probably doing the course at the same time as working. Jayne had to deal with my tears on numerous occasions! But, like she always said, it was all worth it in the end. She really was and still is great support.

What has been the most memorable day you can recall since joining the company?  

There is no standout day, but my most memorable days are when there is a local social event. I relish in getting everyone together; although, I know this has been on pause until recently. 

And finally, describe your perfect weekend?

My perfect weekend would probably be Glastonbury Festival which I will FINALLY be attending in June after it being cancelled in 2020.

Friends + sun (hopefully) + beer + music = incredible weekend!

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